Feel free to browse this bigger, more comprehensive list of Cam’s sermons. Scroll down and choose a message to watch. (While most of these messages are recorded at one of the churches he regularly speaks at, Cam does travel and would be willing to share any of these messages with your church or group.)
Circular God (Three-Part Series)
The Trinity is about as close as we can get when trying to describe God. However, what if during the night of Jesus’ arrest, He described God in a slightly different way – one that both helps us understand more about each member of the Godhead, and where we fit into His story. What if this framework could also describe His law? What if this framework can describe our mission and how God wants to work through our challenges and pain? Discover how the simple shape of a circle can teach us about God, His love, and His character!
God’s Misunderstood Gifts
Aside from the gift of Jesus’ death on the cross for us, God has been giving gifts to us ever since then. And some of these gives, represented by a fingerprint, a baseball cap, and a slice of pie might surprise you!
God’s Treasure
A set of three unassuming parables completely transformed my perspective of all Jesus’ parables, helping me realize a deeper truth about what He thinks of you and me. While we are taught that God should be our treasure, discover who/what is God’s treasure. You may be surprised at the lengths God has gone to get the thing He values most!
Heaven Games
When looking at what the Bible teaches about immortality through the lens of Creation and Paul’s writings, you might be surprised to discover what we can learn, and what both these events teach us about God’s love for us!
Labels are everywhere in culture, and they have become so commonplace that many of us don’t even notice them anymore. However, what if there were appropriate labels and inappropriate labels that get applied to things? What if labels are applied to people? Is there ever an appropriate time or place to label a person? Discover the only three cases where labels are acceptable, and learn what that means for you and I when others try to label us.
Love’s Greatest Task
Achievement is a big part of today’s culture. Setting goals and working towards accomplishing tasks and goals consume a good portion of our time. But what if we shifted the focus onto Jesus? What would happen if we asked the question “What is love’s great mission and/or task?” Can we look at Jesus’ life and see the response through how He lived?
Our present problems and challenges will often overshadow our past victories. Learn how memorials help keep our faith strong during times we are tempted to doubt.
Opportunity Cost (Three-Part Series)
Whenever we make a choice, we are also choosing to not do other things. This may result in us missing out on opportunities. Satan has a certain set of tricks he uses to cause us to miss out on God’s opportunities. Learn his traps and how we can avoid them in this three part series.
Silent Night
While this famous Christmas carol describes the night of Jesus’ birth, the entrance of Jesus into the world marked the end of almost four centuries of silent nights. What can we learn from these centuries of silence and what should we thing/do when we face times in our lives when it feels as though God is absent/silent?
Stepping Out (Three-Part Series)
When we feel God has called us to move forward with a mission He has placed before us, we often experience doubts or questions about how to move forward. Sometimes these questions can stall us into giving up and standing still, or they might prompt us to run the other direction. Discover three big truths from the life and story of Joseph as He moves towards being the man and leader God created him to be.
The Day We Failed God
Regardless of whether you believe the first chapters in Genesis are literal history or not, we can learn a lot from what they contain. Discover as Cam unpacks one of these verses, and how this verse describes God’s character on the day we failed God.
The Delayed Trip
Discover what we can learn from times when Jesus’ trips are delayed, and how that relates to the big delayed trip known as Jesus’ return.
The Gift
When bringing a gift to someone, should we focus on getting them something that they want, or something that we what? Likewise, when we bring worship and gifts to God, are we bringing Him what we want or what He wants?
The Hardest Side of Faith
When life is filled with challenges and prayers don’t seem to be answered, giving up on faith might seem to be warranted. However, giving up is not what Jesus challenged His followers to do…
The One Thing
Oftentimes, when we set goals, we set so many of them that we dilute our efforts. Sometimes our goals conflict with one another. Many times, we overestimate what we can accomplish in the short term while we underestimate what we can accomplish long term. But what if the Old Testament leader Nehemiah had a different approach to goals? What if Nehemiah’s approach, while being simple, actually results in amazing progress? What if this principle is found in a simple reply that Nehemiah sent to His enemies? Discover Nehemiah’s secret to goal-setting, and the amazing way God steps in to the mission God had placed on Nehemiah’s heart.
The Prophecy that Killed Jesus
While Jesus died on the cross for you and me, discover an amazing truth tucked within a challenge Jesus gives the religious leaders that they cannot answer, a question Jesus does not let the religious leaders ask Him, and within a prophecy that ultimately becomes the reason for Jesus was condemned!
The Second Invitation
When Peter failed Jesus, discover what we can learn about God’s love and redemption.
The Timeline Dilemma
What happens when you discover a verse that supports the doctrine of soul sleep right next to one that appears to support the doctrine of the immortal soul? While studying, I found such a place, and it launched me into unpacking one of Jesus’ most curious responses to a trap the religious leaders brought to Him.
Three Goals for the New Year
When making New Year’s resolutions, we sometimes may feel that we must have a one-size-fits-all approach. Perhaps we must make our resolutions into S.M.A.R.T. goals or some other acronym to describe appropriate goal setting. Or maybe we should skip the “goals” idea and instead choose a theme word or phrase. Discover why all these methods are flawed, and how to finally move forward in your life, regardless of what month we are in right now.
Two Black Stones
While He was created perfect, Satan has waged war against God ever since he rejected God’s leadership and rule. Satan’s arrival to this little planet marked a place for him to grow his rebellion. But God did not abandon us to his enemy, He sent Someone to redeem us. Rediscover this truth through an allegory and an unsolvable problem that God solved.
Where There Is No Vision . . .
One of the most famous proverbs in the Old Testament centers around what happens when there is a lack of vision. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” is the most commonly known version of this proverb. But what if that was a poor translation of this concept, and what if that is only half of the full proverb. Learn what actually happens when people lose vision, as well as how to solve this problem in the second half of this amazingly powerful proverb.
While There Is Still Hope . . .
In our lives, too often we face challenges that tempt us to lose hope. Unfortunately, sometimes these challenges succeed. But what about God? Is there ever a point where He loses hope, and if so, what can we do while there is still hope to help keep God’s hope alive? Discover an amazing truth through an unlikely story of God’s judgment early in earth’s history.